What’s coming up for Conductor?

Not for External Distribution

Building campaigns will be easier with Campaign Designer

A new Campaign Designer tool is in the works that will make the campaign workflow more in keeping with your users’ marketing planning process.

Users will select their target contact list first…and then select products and delivery options. Once the campaign has been designed, the user will be directed to the Campaign Summary page (new in Conductor 4.6) where their list data source and campaign send options will be displayed.

Save as Draft

While navigating through the product order workflow, Conductor will allow users to save their work in progress. They’ll be able to name their draft and view a listing of their current drafts.

When the user decides to edit a draft, they will be taken back into the product order workflow where they left off and can continue work on their order.

Behind the scenes, we’re making lots of small changes that will add up to big improvements in daily user experience later this year – all while keeping ongoing customer workflow up and running smoothly.

Stay tuned for future updates. Or ask a Conductor team member, for more details!

Did you know?

Conductor’s News Feed widget on the Dashboard can be either an RSS feed or can be used for administrator created messages. Keep your users in the know with industry or company news!

Have you discovered a Conductor tip or shortcut you think could benefit Conductor customers? Tell us about it! If selected, we’ll share it in a future issue.

Friends helping friends

Got a question about Conductor? The Conductor product team is always happy to get you connected with solutions and answers. You can also contact Conductor Product Manager, Chris Steffen at cfsteffen@whateverittakes.com or call 309-684-6051. Thanks for your support of our continuing work on Conductor.

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